Advancement is one of the methods used to achieve Scouting's aims- character development, citizenship training, and physical and mental fitness. It is the engaging process by which Scouts progress from badge to badge, learning new skills as they go. It is a satisfying means to measure and reward a Scout's progress. It is not a competitiion as requirements are met by "doing your best". Most importantly...
Advancement is FUN!!
Goals of the Advancement Program
Build a Scout's self-esteem.
Foster self-reliance as Scouts discover that they are now old enough to assume certain responsibilities.
Give Scouts the positive recognition that they need.
Bring Scouts and their families closer through the advancement activities that they enjoy together.
Careful research has gone into developing the advancement program, but Leaders and families are what bring it to life. They make advancement work in the Dens, in the home, and most of all, in the lives of our youth.
Den Meeting plans are designed to help Scouts toward completing the rank requirements. Assuming regular attendance and encouragement and help from family, Scouts should earn their rank badge in time for the Blue & Gold Banquet.