Calendar of Events

Pack TIP:

If you are using Google Calendar you can easily add the Pack calendar to yours. Just go to Other Calendars and type in the "Add a Friend's Calendar" dialogue box.  Our events will sync to your Google Calendar automatically, keeping you current with our planned events.  Click the Agenda tab on the calendar for a full view of all event details.

Pack events for the Scout year are listed in the Calendar.  A calendar of Den events will be provided by your Den Leader.  Please be sure to attend Den and Pack Meetings regularly.  They feature specific meeting plans developed to successfully guide your Cub along the advancement trail and then recognize him for his achievements.  Most importantly, they are a lot of FUN! 


In addition to Den and Pack activities, there are many great events offered each month through our local Council.  Most require pre-registration as space is limited.  Due to the changing schedule, only select events are listed on our site.  Be sure to visit the Narragansett Council Web site frequently for a complete listing.


Please keep aware of upcoming events and communicate with your Cub about which ones he is interested in attending.  Events, dates, and times are subject to change, so be sure to check back often.  Last minute changes may not be reflected here, so please confirm with your Den Leader if in doubt.

Unless otherwise noted, general meetings will be held at the following locations:

Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather, the Cubmaster or event coordinator reserves the right to cancel any Pack activity he/she deems too hazardous.  Den Leaders will make the call for Den events.  The most common occurrences are when rain (especially thunderstorms) is predicted or when the road conditions are too dangerous for travel (winter).  In most cases the decision to cancel an event will be made the night before or the morning of, allowing until the last possible minute for the weather forecast to improve.  Should an event be cancelled, the Den leaders will be notified.  They will notify the families within their respective Dens.  If it is questionable and you have not been called, please contact your Den Leader.